what we do

The objectives of Mervyn King Academy for Sustainable Development in Asia are completely aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.

We work closely with private sector, Public Sector, Governments  and Civil Society partners. Our Institution rests on the following four pillars;


Undertakes focused Advocacy through SDG Roundtables and outreach activities to promote the SDGs in Asia & India particularly, with the objective of helping companies to reinvent their business models and align them with SDGs.


Mervyn King Academy undertakes research on the ongoing progress of SDGs in Asia & India and tries to identify ways to accelerate them.


We conduct training programmes on SDGs to spread awareness and develop a community of SDG volunteers.


We advise private sector on aligning their business strategies with SDGs and explore newer ways of doing business as well as think of newer business models.

SDGs are about sustainable development of people of countries & communities around the world but they also represent multi billion dollar business opportunities. In order to unlock these business opportunities, companies requires new forms of collaboration and co-operation within the ecosystem at the sector as well as country level. Companies need to create Roadmaps, to help them optimize their contributions to the SDGs and unlock the business opportunities presented by them. Mervyn King Academy aims to very closely work with companies from different sectors towards this goal.